
Allflex APR650 EID & Barcode Reader


SKU: APR650-1624

Allflex APR650 Handheld Readers offer a unique combination of an electronic identification (EID) reader with a powerful barcode engine, providing fast and reliable reading of EID tags and related barcodes, such as on a tissue sampling probe or drug bottle. Offering advanced, comprehensive capabilities and multiple connectivity options, including WLAN, these compact readers deliver unmatched value.

Features of the APR650 Reader include:

  • Alphanumeric input with directional pad and OK button soft keys.
  • Lightweight with durable IP67 casing. Large, backlit color display.
  • Two LED Indicators, vibration monitor, and loud operation-specific sounds.
  • Large Memory - Internal memory to store up to 1,000,000 records.
  • USB and Bluetooth interfaces
  • Apple iOS compatible (iPhone and iPad)
  • Android compatible (phone/tablet)
  • Downloads to PC via free Allflex software
  • Integrated Li-Ion Battery with USB,  6 hours with continuous read.  4 hours charge time with USB charging.
  • Includes 2-year warranty
  • Dimensions 190mm (L) x 98mm (W) x 40mm (H).
  • Weight 300 Grams

The APR650 reader can read HDX (Half Duplex) and FDX (Full Duplex) EID tags and barcodes. The read range of EID tags by the reader is about 9-10 inches.

IMPORTANT REMINDER: If you purchased button backs, confirm the quantity in is correct in the cart before checking out.

Ships from the Allflex Warehouse (Dallas, TX) in about 3 weeks.